Third edition reaffirms leadership of Service Management book and professor

Third edition reaffirms leadership of Service Management book and professor

12 June, 2024
Reafirma tercera edición liderazgo de libro y profesor en Administración de Servicios

The recent launch of the third edition of Administración de Servicios. Estrategias para la creación de valor en el nuevo paradigma de los negocios not only corroborated its status as a benchmark work for studies on this subject in Spanish-speaking countries, but also reaffirmed the leadership role of its co-author, Javier Reynoso, in the field of Service Management in the global academic context.

Delighted with the scope and relevance of this editorial landmark, the EGADE Business School research professor mentioned that he was first invited to collaborate on this book by the also co-author Christopher Lovelock, a professor at Yale School of Management.


“The book, already in its third edition, is used in 20 countries and is undoubtedly a pioneer and leader in Service Management in Spanish-speaking countries. The publication also highlights the caliber of my coauthors, all of whom are highly renowned professors with extensive experience in the top business schools in the world,” said Reynoso.


The other co-authors are Guillermo D’Andrea, director of the Marketing program at the IAE Business School of Universidad Austral, in Argentina; Luis Huete, Service Management professor at IESE Business School, in Spain, and coordinator of the IESE-HBS program Achieving Breakthrough Services, and Joche Wirtz, professor at the National University of Singapore.

Reynoso, a member of the Mexican Academy of Science and the first Latin American researcher to be admitted to the International Academy of Services, launched the Latin American Academy of Service Management initiative and is the three-time winner of the Tecnológico de Monterrey Teaching and Research Prize.

About the third edition

The book is structured in five parts: the first focuses on understanding the service business; the second concentrates on understanding services from the customer’s perspective; the third analyzes value creation in competitive markets; the fourth addresses the design and planning of the service experience; and the fifth covers the management of the service delivery system.

In the preface, the coauthors explain that they designed the third edition of Administración de Servicios to complement the materials that can be found in traditional textbooks on marketing, operations and human resource management.

They emphasized that one of its main objectives was to create a text in Spanish that would meet the needs of students, professors and company executives in Spanish-speaking regions, and, therefore, they sought to replace in the book many examples from the United States and European countries with others on the best service management practices in Latin American countries and Spain, including the largest socioeconomic segment in the world, known as the Bottom of Pyramid.

“This work goes beyond establishing the difference between managing services and managing product manufacturing through service. It puts forward the need to establish a new paradigm and invites the reader to change the traditional business approach based on goods or products to one that is customer centric and service led, in which technology is an increasingly relevant component in value proposals, aimed at clients and businesses,” the coauthors assured.

The first edition of Administración de Servicios dates back to 2004. The second edition, released in 2011, was distinguished with the 2012 Rómulo Garza Research Prize, in the Printed Book Award category, for its contribution and impact both inside and outside Tecnológico de Monterrey. All the editions have been published by Pearson.
