8M, a Time for Reflection

8M, a Time for Reflection

12 June, 2024
2021_03_08 8M 2

March 8, International Women's Day, is a time to remember the fight for women’s rights and gender equality led by thousands of women throughout history.


As part of Tecnológico de Monterrey, EGADE Business School recognizes that March 8, International Women's Day, is a time for individual and collective reflection on the progress made in gender equality and on the inequalities and barriers that continue to exist, preventing the full development of girls and women.

The following are reflections by an EGADE Business School student, alumna and professor, creating awareness among the community in order to continue to advance towards a society where everyone, men and women alike, can achieve their full potential.

“Let’s take a few moments to recognize and show our appreciation for all the women from our past, since, precisely, thanks to them we can enjoy the opportunities and rights we have today,” said Adriana Meave, entrepreneur and Full-Time MBA in Innovation & Entrepreneurship student.

“I would love to remind women how exciting it is to be a woman with all the contrasts we enjoy. Tell them to dare, to believe in themselves. You should only compete with yourself because respect, equality and equity should be gender-neutral,” commented Adriana Hernández, EGADE MBA alumna and Supply Chain Manager for Latin America at Panduit.

“Let’s collaborate with each other to create new opportunities. And men can also help to make these key positions available to us in every context of society,” stated Christiane Molina, professor, researcher and Director of EGADE Business School’s Conscious Business for a Sustainable Future Center.

View the complete video here.

