Algorithms, Human Intelligence Amplifiers

Algorithms, Human Intelligence Amplifiers

12 June, 2024
Inteligencia Artificial

EGADE Business School and the Tec School of Engineering and Science present a webinar on algorithms and the ethics of Artificial Intelligence, within the EGADE Future Forum series.


Even though Artificial Intelligence Artificial and its tools enjoy a certain degree of autonomy, they do not measure up to human intelligence, stated Ramón López de Mántaras, research professor at the Scientific Research Council (CSIC) in Spain.

“At present, the ethics of these tools fall to programmers and the teams behind them, not the tools themselves,” said the also founder and Director of the CSIC Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.

The expert spoke within the webinar “The dictatorship of algorithms. Leading the ethics of Artificial Intelligence” as part of the EGADE Future Forum series.

The event was moderated by Jacob Escobar, Director of EGADE’s Specialization in Digital Strategy and the Master in Business Analytics, and enjoyed the participation of Luis Eduardo Falcón, Director of the Master in Applied Artificial Intelligence of the Tec School of Engineering and Science (EIC).

When asked if a machine could replace a human being, López de Mántaras commented that “many human tasks, such as creativity, and strategic and analytical capacities, will not be automatable.”

“The business mindset should focus on creating human-machine teams,” he said.

López de Mántaras explained that to avoid algorithmic bias, multidisciplinary, diverse teams must be formed and ethics experts incorporated in order to monitor and intervene in the development of an application or algorithm.

The webinar, which was co-presented by EGADE Business School and Tec’s EIC, can be viewed here.
