Business Territory Podcast: November 2021 Episodes

Business Territory Podcast: November 2021 Episodes

12 June, 2024
Podcast Territorio Negocios

Podcast participants were Expediente Azul, NTT Data México, SpeakHer Nights, IEEGL, and EGADE Business School.


Digital onboarding for the financial industry, Mexican entrepreneurship and technology beyond Silicon Valley, the ethics of Artificial Intelligence, femvertising and personal branding for women professionals and entrepreneurs were the topics addressed by Business Territory, the podcast of EGADE Business School and the School of Business of Tecnológico de Monterrey, during November.

In case you missed them, here are the five episodes:

Ep. 54 - Hello, digital onboarding. Goodbye, bureaucracy.

Juan Carlos González, CEO and Founder of Expediente Azul, discusses how economic uncertainty and social distancing resulting from the COVID-19 contingency have generated a digital opportunity for the financial industry.

Ep. 55 - Poles of technological entrepreneurship beyond Silicon Valley

José Manuel Aguirre, Director of the IEEGL Network of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Parks and Strategic Alliances in Entrepreneurship, analyzes the context of Austin, Texas, which favored the emergence of an attractive entrepreneurship ecosystem, offering a vision of the success factors to underpin the poles of technological entrepreneurship that currently exist in Mexico.

Ep. 56 – The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Digital users’ privacy protection is increasingly compromised when Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ‘target’ consumers in an unethical way, encouraging compulsive, unsustainable consumption. Claudia Ramírez, Head of Cybersecurity at NTT Data México and ISA, proposes how to reach a happy medium. 

Ep. 57 – Entrepreneurship in Mexico: Diagnosis, skills, and added value

José Ernesto Amorós, National Director of Doctoral Programs at EGADE Business School, shares the road to added value for Mexican entrepreneurship through innovative business models, insertion in value chains, and other unresolved matters. 

Ep. 58 – No stereotypes: femvertising and personal branding

Claudia Gómez, doctoral candidate at EGADE Business School, and Gabriela Mitri, founder of SpeakHer Nights, share concrete advice for the empowerment of women, drawn from their research and experiences in the fields of marketing and communication.

Business Territory forms part of the Tec Sounds, podcast bar, and is available on  Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
