Connected in the International MBM Week Towards the New Normal

Connected in the International MBM Week Towards the New Normal

12 June, 2024
EGADE Master in Business Management

The challenges and opportunities of international business in the post-COVID-19 era were broached in live sessions and other activities for students from this innovative program.


Master in Business Management students from EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey experienced a virtual International MBM Week, focused on the topic International Business Under the New Normal: Challenges and Opportunities.

Through this intensive online experience, over 50 recent graduates and young professionals, who study the program at the Monterrey and Guadalajara sites, connected from August 9 to 14 with faculty and world-renowned special guests.

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Ignacio de la Vega, Dean of EGADE Business School and the Tec de Monterrey School of Business, and Eduardo Aquiñaga, Master in Business Management National Program Director, were in charge of welcoming participants to the event.

Activities included live videoconference sessions, pre-readings, asynchronous assignments through the virtual classroom platform, and the presentation of projects developed in remote teams.

Master classes were also offered by David Bach, Dean of Innovation and Programs, Institute for Management Development (IMD); Mike Szymanski, Professor, Moscow School of Management Skolkovo; Florence Pinot, Director of the Center of Studies and Research for Europe and Latin America (CERALE); and Sascha Fuerst, Professor, EGADE Business School.

The topics addressed by these experts were globalization, ethics in international business, EU-Latin America cooperation policies and dynamics, and global entrepreneurship in the new normal.

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Special guests included Enrique Cortés, Director of Artificial Intelligence Hub, Tecnológico de Monterrey; Chip Merritt, Senior Vice-President of Investor Relations, Standard & Poor’s Global; Brian Bauer, Circular Economy and Alliances Leader, Algramo; Pedro Álamos, General Manager, Algramo; and María de Lourdes Dieck-Assad, Emeritus Dean, EGADE Business School.

In addition, EGADE Business School faculty broached a variety of topics, such as innovation, digital transformation and international consumer markets, among others.

To close the week, participants enjoyed a networking activity in which they learned business cocktail recipes, with Javier Íñiguez, founder of SaberVino, and Alicia Boy, travel journalist.
