Dealing with adversity in the age of COVID-19

Dealing with adversity in the age of COVID-19

12 June, 2024
COVID-19 Adversidad

By José Ángel de la Paz

The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a threat to our physical health, it can also affect our emotional and mental well-being because of the stress, anxiety, and fear caused by being overwhelmed when faced with adversity, according to Desiree Carlson Sanromán, psychotherapist and executive coach.

This expert discussed the issue with Jaime García Narro, associate dean of Executive Education at EGADE Business School, as a part of the webinar “Transitioning through uncertainty - life after COVID-19”.

Carlson Sanromán said that visualizing adversity in four dimensions is helpful in developing or strengthening our resilience:

  • How much control do I have over the situation?
  • How much impact does this situation have on me, or vice versa?
  • What is the scope of this situation on a personal level and a collective level?
  • How long can this situation last?

According to her, by conducting a self-reflection exercise based on these questions, we can come up with useful answers to get more clarity on how to face and overcome adversity.

“Rather than focusing on what we do, it is more important to focus on how we are dealing with this,” she said.

This webinar is part of EGADE Business School's webinar series: “Rising to the challenge: Leadership in the face of COVID-19”.

