EGADE 2022: A year of transformation, innovation and social impact

EGADE 2022: A year of transformation, innovation and social impact

12 June, 2024

Dear EGADE Business School community,

We will soon say goodbye to 2022, a time to reflect on a year marked by numerous challenges that have disrupted business.

Added to the economic uncertainty derived from the pandemic is a context of war in Europe, a challenging global macroeconomic context, and a clearer and more severe diagnosis of the urgency of the global climate challenge. None of these topics is unrelated to our responsibility, as a global learning community, to redouble our efforts to contribute to solutions in an increasingly complex and volatile world.

In this EGADE 2022 Report: A year of transformation, innovation and social impact, the achievements and success stories experienced this year as members of the extraordinary EGADE Business School community are reflected. I invite you to recognize your effort in these pages and to dream of the ones you will want to write from 2023 onwards.

Likewise, I thank the entire community for their great commitment to our transformation as a school, to the update of our 2025 Strategic Plan and to our renewed purpose of "Rethinking the future of business so that it impacts the sustainable development of Latin America." Through innovative teaching, high-impact research, and our permanent relationship with our graduates, industry, civil society, and our global academic and institutional partners, I am sure that we continue to strengthen our contribution to the transformation of our society.

On the eve of a new year, which will undoubtedly bring us great challenges and new opportunities, receive my best wishes. I am sure that 2023, the year of the 80th anniversary of Tecnológico de Monterrey, will be a year full of many new lessons.


Horacio Arredondo
Dean of EGADE Business School
