EGADE U Week Speaker Arnoldo de la Rocha: “Leaders’ responsibility is greater given their influence”

EGADE U Week Speaker Arnoldo de la Rocha: “Leaders’ responsibility is greater given their influence”

12 June, 2024
1280px × 970px – Página EGADE (12)

By José Ángel de la Paz

The task of making a positive impact in Mexico is something we all share, but “the leaders’ responsibility is greater given their influence”, says Arnoldo de la Rocha, co-founder of Pollo Feliz, a renowned restaurant franchise with more than 800 establishments in Mexico and the United States.

This CEO will participate as a keynote speaker at EGADE U Week 2020, a 2-day lifelong learning program exclusively for EGADE Business School alumni, which this year focuses on the theme “Empowering the Leader's Mind”.

De la Rocha will share his business experience and his conviction to build a better Mexico, where the key is to develop better Mexicans who are proud of their country.

“I envision the 'Mexican dream' as sparking a love for Mexico and creating social change through the love for this nation,” he says.

De la Rocha has been recognized with the Fuego de Vida award, which is granted by El Salón del Empresario to women and men who have substantially contributed to the business development of Mexico, joining entrepreneurs of the stature of Carlos Slim, Alfredo Achar, Claudio X. González, among others, who have also received this award.

De la Rocha’s story began in 1975 in Sinaloa, Mexico, when he and several partners opened a small restaurant that served rotisserie chickens.

The Pollo Feliz brand was born in 1980 and established itself in the 1990s as the most popular rotisserie chicken restaurant among Mexican families.

The outstanding growth of the brand, led by De la Rocha and his team, quickly resulted in reaching 167 cities in Mexico. This brought the imminent internationalization of Pollo Feliz, which crossed the border to open its first branch in the United States in 2001, in the city of Tucson, Arizona.

Today, Pollo Feliz employs more than 12,000 people in Mexico and the United States.

“The key to Pollo Feliz's success is its Mexican identity, perseverance and continuous improvement,” says the entrepreneur.

De la Rocha is also president of the Board of Directors of Operadora de Alimentos del Norte and Abastecedora ARNY, in addition to being the founding partner of Alimentaria Mexicana and other companies.

EGADE U Week 2020 will be held on March 27th and 28th at EGADE Business School in Mexico City. Click here for more information.

