EGADE will be hosting CLADEA’s 2020 Annual Assembly in Guadalajara

EGADE will be hosting CLADEA’s 2020 Annual Assembly in Guadalajara

12 June, 2024

By José Ángel de la Paz

EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey will be hosting the 2020 CLADEA Annual Assembly, titled “The future of work, social impact and the role of business schools”, from the 21st to the 23rd of October in Guadalajara

CLADEA (Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración) is an international network comprised of 235 higher education institutions, along with public and private organizations, from 27 countries in America, Europe and Oceania, which are committed to both management education and research.

In its 55th edition, the event will bring together more than 600 international rectors, deans, program and business school directors and researchers to analyze the current social, professional and economic context of Latin America and its impact on graduate education.

"In an agitated and volatile context of exponential transformation, which is reshaping how major global companies operate and what new generations define as their life’s purpose, business schools have the responsibility of educating conscious, entrepreneurial and innovative leaders who are capable of reinventing themselves and their organizations in order to face current challenges and create a positive and lasting impact on their societies.

"This summit will allow us to foster discussion and collaborative work between the academic and business communities, as well as to strengthen our bonds and contribution to the development of society as the leading business schools in the region,” said Ignacio de la Vega, dean at EGADE Business School and Undergraduate Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Relevant dates for the 2020 CLADEA Annual Assembly:

  • April 21st: Deadline for turning in papers
  • June 30th: Evaluation results
  • August 15th: Deadline for early registration

Click here for more information about the event.


The 2020 CLADEA Annual Assembly is calling for research papers focused on the following tracks:

  1. Economics, Finances, and Accounting
  2. Leadership and Human Resources Management
  3. Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainable Development
  4. Entrepreneurship and SME
  5. Project Management
  6. Marketing
  7. General Management and Strategy
  8. Innovation and Innovation Management
  9. New Perspectives on Management and Teaching on Management Schools
  10. Digital transformation and Information Technologies
  11. Cases

The best papers and cases will be submitted publication, the first in CLADEA’s partner magazines, and the latter will be selected to participate in the evaluation process of the CLADEA-BALAS Case Consortium for their potential publication by Harvard Business Publishing.

Authors who are interested in submitting their research can find the guidelines and further details here.


As part of the 2020 CLADEA Annual Assembly, CLADEA's XVIII Doctoral Colloquium will be held on October 21st. This event is mainly intended for students from various international universities who are studying a Ph.D. program, but also for those who wish to participate as members of the specialized audience.

The Doctoral Colloquium provides an excellent opportunity to present the status of one’s research and/or doctoral projects before an audience of specialized doctors and researchers, thereby encouraging open discussions, experiences, analyses, and observations that reinforce said research.

The deadline for submitting doctoral projects is April 30th, and for registering is September 4th.

More information on the Doctoral Colloquium, format and writing guidelines, and participation requirements can be found here.
