Experts share global investment outlook for 2018

Experts share global investment outlook for 2018

12 June, 2024
Comparten perspectivas globales de inversión para 2018

The final phase of the economic cycle and geopolitical risks represent the main challenges for investors this year, experts Luis García Peña and Jorge Martínez agreed during their presentation entitled "Global Investment Outlook 2018".

García Peña, managing partner of Legacy Wealth Corporation, reviewed the three great problems that humanity has overcome throughout history -plague, hunger and wars- and detailed the four forces that are currently transforming and conditioning the global panorama, which are the change in the dynamics of global growth, the speed of disruption, the aging population and a new social agreement.

"In 2030, 60% of the world population will live in urban areas. Which implies that the world needs to invest annually in infrastructure 3.7 trillion dollars between 2017 and 2035,” he warned about one of the global trends.

Luis García Peña and Jorge Martínez offered the presentation "Global Investment Outlook 2018" at EGADE Business School Monterrey.

Martínez, CFA and director of the Master of Finance at EGADE Business School Monterrey, recommended structuring the portfolios to protect them from tax increases, opting for investment in emerging market countries, correctly choosing the style of the shares, be they growth or value, and analyze what to do with the bonds.

"If the rates are going to go up, then some bonds that are too expensive, could be in danger at a fixed rate," he said.

The presentation took place on March 1 at the Auditorium of EGADE Business School Monterrey.
