Exploration of Opportunities with Blockchain in the Financial Sector

Exploration of Opportunities with Blockchain in the Financial Sector

12 June, 2024

The 2021 MAF National Congress focused on blockchain technology and sustainable finance. 


Together with international experts, over 100 students of EGADE Business School’s Master in Finance explored the opportunities generated by blockchain technology in the financial sector during the 2021 MAF National Congress

The event was held virtually from August 9 to 13, under the following central themes: Blockchain and sustainability; DLT and its applications in finance; integration of blockchain platforms, and digitalization of financial assets.

As an emerging technology, Blockchain has captured the attention of diverse industries worldwide, given its benefits in solving trust issues and the high energy consumption demanded by bitcoin mining. 

Analyzing this technology beyond mining, blockchain traceability consolidates transparency in different processes, increasing trust in supply chains for goods and sustainable production monitoring.

“Through this congress, we seek to inspire students to reflect on opportunities in the field of finance following two powerful trends, digital disruption and environmental, social and governance awareness,” stated Igor Rivera, National Director of the Master in Finance and Director of EGADE - W. P. Carey Executive MBA.

The guest speakers were Gregory La Blanc, Faculty Director, Berkeley FinTech Institute, and Distinguished Teaching Fellow, Haas Business School; Baxter Hines, Chief Investment Officer, Honeycomb Digital Investments, and Security Tokens expert; Baltazar Rodríguez, Senior Architect Blockchain Engagement Leader, IBM; and Sergio Mendez, CEO, BlackRock México. 

Other speakers included Eduardo Rodríguez, ​CEO, Flatstone Capital Markets Inc. and DLT in Capital Markets Advisor; Maria Pia Aqueveque, CEO, Maqueveq & Co, and Digital Assets and DeFi expert; Adriano Silva, Regional Vice-President, Salesforce; and Stefania Di Bartolomeo, CEO and Founder, Physis Investment.

This year, the MAF National Congress enjoyed the participation of diverse generations of Master in Finance students from the Monterrey and Mexico City EGADE sites, the Online Master in Finance, and alumni and faculty
