First class of EGADE doctoral students to have earned their degrees virtually

First class of EGADE doctoral students to have earned their degrees virtually

12 June, 2024
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By José Ángel de la Paz

For the first time ever, six EGADE Business School Ph.D. in Administrative Science students completed their studies and defended their theses in their respective exit exams remotely, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, the new doctors celebrated this achievement in the virtual ceremony Tec Forever, together with another 5 thousand undergraduate and graduate students from Tecnológico de Monterrey’s diverse schools and campuses.

José Ernesto Amorós, national director of Doctoral Programs at EGADE Business School and leader of the Strategic Focus Research Group in Innovation, commented:

“At EGADE Business School and Tec we have made enormous progress in our flexible education models, and the current situation has forced us to accelerate the digital transformation of all our educational processes. The doctoral programs are not exempt from this transformation. What is most relevant is that for the knowledge generation, today more than ever, there are no borders to prevent us from contributing with our research to the organizational world.”

The names of the doctoral students who graduated and their respective dissertations are as follows:

  • Ana Beatriz Salas Valdés, “The Adoption of International Labor Standards by Suppliers Operating in Latin American Emerging Economies” (outstanding thesis).
  • Nancy Berenice Ortiz Alvarado, “The Role of Emotions and Mindsets on Well-Being and its Relationship with Consumer Behavior”.
  • Andrea Mendoza Silva, “The value of intra-organizational social capital in fostering knowledge sharing and innovation capability” (outstanding thesis).
  • David Capistrán Wah, “Recognition of Human Dignity through Organizations: its applicability and actions towards it”.
  • Javier de Jesús Liñán González, “How is healthy food conceptualized and what are the determinants of healthy food choices?”
  • José Anselmo Pérez Reyes, “El constructo de la estructura de capital para la industria de la construcción de infraestructura en México. Un nuevo enfoque hacia el estudio de las finanzas conductuales corporativas” (“The Construct of the Structure of Capital for the Infrastructure Construction Industry in Mexico. A New Approach to the Study of Corporate Behavioral Finance”).

Of the six students, Andrea Mendoza Silva was the first to take her exit exam remotely, on May 28th, and Nancy Berenice Ortiz Alvarado, the last, on June 12th.

After migrating all its face-to-face classes to an online format on March 17th, owing to the contingency, EGADE Business School is now getting ready to initiate the next academic period in August with a hybrid system.
