The future of business education after COVID-19

The future of business education after COVID-19

12 June, 2024
1280px × 970px – Página EGADE (19)

By José Ángel de la Paz

International academic leaders discussed the perspectives that business schools have on the pandemic during the webinar “Shaping the Future of Global Business Education in a Post-COVID-19 World”, hosted by EGADE Business School.

Juan Freire, associate academic dean of the Undergraduate Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey, argued that academic institutions should move more towards digital educational models, and redirect their academic programs to solve relevant problems.

“There is a widespread belief that this crisis will transform almost everything in the next few years or decades. As business schools, we must show our ability to respond effectively to this new normal. If we can do that, we will have credibility in the future,” he said.

On the other hand, John A. Quelch, dean of the Miami Herbert Business School, indicated that instead of just migrating their programs to digital format or innovating in technological resources, business schools will have to adapt the content of their programs.

“On many levels, we're still going to need that face-to-face interaction, to build trust,” he said.

This webinar from the series “Rising to the challenge: Leadership in the face of COVID-19”, which is organized by EGADE Business School, was led by Juan Enciso, director of the Global OneMBA and MBA in Global Business & Strategy programs.

