Invitation to CERALE-EGADE Colloquium on Challenges and Response Strategies in the Americas and Europe

Invitation to CERALE-EGADE Colloquium on Challenges and Response Strategies in the Americas and Europe

12 June, 2024
2021_08_31 Coloquio

The colloquium seeks to address the technological, business, and social challenges and response strategies in the Americas and Europe, in a context marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. 


EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique Latine Europe (CERALE) at ESCP Business School extend an invitation to attend the 2021 CERALE-EGADE Business School Colloquium.

This virtual event, sponsored by Institut des Amériques, will take place from September 22 to 24, through the Whova platform, with "Global technological, business and social challenges and response strategies in the Americas and Europe" as the central theme.

Even though the call for papers has already closed, the organizers would like to invite all those interested (professors, researchers, doctoral students, students in general, and members of the business community) to attend the plenary and academic sessions, roundtables, and conferences that comprise the colloquium agenda

The event will open spaces for interaction among academic and business community representatives. 

Guest speakers include Silvia Dávila, Regional President of Danone Latin America, and Magdalena López, President and CEO of Renault México.

The scheduled roundtables are "Challenges and opportunities to address trends in higher education," "Exploring the role of unicorns in Latin America," and "Remodeling local and global value chains."

The tracks or academic sessions of the colloquium are:

  1. Back to darkness? Intercultural management in an increasingly uncertain global economy
  2. International dynamics
  3. Finance and macroeconomics
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. Leadership and governance: Moving towards an equal future!
  6. Family business management
  7. Social innovation and sustainability
  8. Conscious marketing and retail
  9. Public policy, public administration and public service in the digital era
  10. Global and local value chains
  11. Innovation ecosystems: business and strategic approaches, challenges and opportunities for their evolution

The best works presented at the colloquium will be published in special editions of International Management and Management Research.

The objective of the colloquium will be to discuss the extent to which changes and innovations in progress are likely to place the bi-continental relationship on a sustainable course, considering the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.

This colloquium, which was initially scheduled for 2020, is a continuation of the 2018 CERALE-UniAndes Colloquium "Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development. Rethinking Europe-America Relations in a World of Disruption," held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, and the 2016 IdA-EULAC-CERALE Colloquium "Effective Affinities Europe-Latin America and the Caribbean, to Contribute to Sustainable Development," which took place in Paris, France.

Register and buy tickets for the 2021 CERALE-EGADE Business School Colloquium here.
