Leadership in Service Management Goes from Strength to Strength

Leadership in Service Management Goes from Strength to Strength

12 June, 2024
Siguen fortaleciendo liderazgo en Administración de Servicios

EGADE Business School continues to strengthen its leadership in the field of Service Management with the presentation of works by Professor Javier Reynoso and the Ph.D. in Administrative Science (DCA) students, Ana Valdés and Karla Cabrera, in June during prestigious international service research conferences.

DCA students, Karla Cabrera and Ana Valdés, at the 10th SERVSIG Conference 2018.

EGADE Business School continues to strengthen its leadership in the field of Service Management with the presentation of works by Professor Javier Reynoso and the Ph.D. in Administrative Science (DCA) students, Ana Valdés and Karla Cabrera, in June during prestigious international service research conferences.

Reynoso, Valdés and Cabrera attended the 10th SERVSIG Conference 2018 “Opportunities for Services in a Challenging World”, held from June 14 through 16 at the Paris campus of IÉSEG School of Management, in France.

“All three of us participated in a special session about Service Research at the Base of the Pyramid. The students, in particular, presented advances in their doctoral theses and they both attended the conference with the support of funds from the Latin-American-Swiss Center of the University of St. Gallen (CLS-HSG) in Switzerland,” said Reynoso, Valdés and Cabrera’s thesis director. 

In the aforementioned session, Reynoso presented the work “Service Research at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP)”, while Valdés and Cabrera introduced “Trust Development in BoP Partnerships” and “Value Co-Creation in Multi-Actor Service Systems at the BoP”, respectively, and Simon Joncourt, from Eawag, Switzerland, shared “Business Model Innovation in Low Income Markets”. 

At the same congress, Reynoso participated in the presentation of the work “A Scaling Up Framework for Innovative Service Ecosystems: Lessons from Eataly and KidZania”, with a team of professors and researchers from Roma Tre University, Italy, and from the Service Research Center, Karlstad University, Sweden. He also chaired a session in which Valdés presented the work “Social Capital and Value Co-creation in Service Ecosystems”. 

In addition, Reynoso was honored with two Highly Commended Awards, one for the paper "Does One Size Fit All? New Service Development Across Different Types of Services", published in the Journal of Service Management (Q1), and the other for the paper “Determinants of Services Co-Creation with Business Customers”, published in the Journal of Services Marketing (Q1). 

“Both prize-winning papers were coauthored with Professor Bo Edvardsson from Sweden and colleagues from other countries, and are the fruit of the work we developed with Edvardsson when he participated as the international leader of our GIEE in Service Management from 2014 to 2016,” he explained. 

Beforehand, from June 10 through 13, Reynoso had attended the 15th International Research Conference in Service Management, organized by IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management, at La Londe les Maures, in the south of France, where he chaired several sessions and presented the work “Managing Service Organizations at the Base of the Pyramid”, in which Cabrera collaborated. 

From June 18 to 20, Reynoso attended the 5th Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy Forum (CADE 2018), organized by the University of Warwick, UK, at its Venice, Italy, site.  This year, the forum focused on personal data, intelligent service systems and digital transformation.

“The objective of presenting work or attending these events is to find out about the latest trends and key topics, in order to identify new lines of research and include some of these topics in our updated courses for the concentration in Service Management,” commented Reynoso. 
