Outstanding Conscious Capitalism Practices in Mexican Enterprises Presented

Outstanding Conscious Capitalism Practices in Mexican Enterprises Presented

12 June, 2024
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The book, which includes among its authors EGADE Business School professors, collaborators, and graduates, presents the cases of 14 companies with outstanding Conscious Capitalism practices.


The Center for Conscious Enterprises (CEC) of Tecnológico de Monterrey launched the book Empresas mexicanas: el viaje hacia un capitalismo consciente (Mexican enterprises, the journey towards conscious capitalism), written with contributions from EGADE Business School professors, collaborators, and graduates.

The collective work gathers together the outstanding cases of 14 Mexican enterprises that have embarked on a journey towards Conscious Capitalism, seeking to inspire and motivate more companies in Mexico and Latin America to initiate their journey in this movement and towards better practices.

“To accomplish this mission, we got down to investigating, analyzing, talking with experts, and sharing with colleagues from Tecnológico de Monterrey’s CEC and with Conscious Capitalism, the good practices of the companies with which they had previously worked, as consultants or as educators and on projects with their students,” stated the book coordinators, María de la Paz Toldos Romero, professor at the School of Business, and Mark W. Wood Caballero, associate dean for academic affairs at Tec’s School of Architecture, Art and Design.  

The book was published by Tirant lo Blanch and has a prologue written by Raj Sisodia, FEMSA Distinguished Professor in Conscious Enterprise and president of Tec de Monterrey’s Center for Conscious Enterprise, and Raúl Romero Havaux, founding director of Conscious Capitalism, Mexico Chapter.

The companies addressed in this book were selected for being exemplary organizations, given their activities, track record, history, and actions, that stand out in one or more of the four pillars of Conscious Capitalism proposed by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia, creators of the movement: 1) higher purpose; 2) stakeholder orientation; 3) conscious leadership; and 4) a conscious culture.

“According to these two authors, Conscious Capitalism is a business paradigm that transforms the traditional vision of economic value creation -focused on stockholders and investors- into a concept based on the purpose of improving the lives of everyone who forms part of and surrounds the company, generating multiple types of value and well-being for all its economic, intellectual, physical, environmental, social, cultural, emotional, ethical, and even spiritual stakeholders,” the book’s coordinators explained.

The 14 Mexican companies presented are Carla Fernández Casa de Moda, Grupo Qualia, Social Global Leaders, Kidzania, Mundo Cuervo, Frisa, Corporación Zapata, Grupo Bimbo, Grupo Ruz, Grupo Habi, Cinépolis, Coflex, and Cuprum.

Some of the more than 30 authors of the book are Christiane Molina, professor of the Department of Strategy and Leadership at EGADE Business School and director of the research at CEC; Teresa Almaguer, professor emerita of EGADE Business School; Hiyam Añorve and Luis Islas, collaborators at EGADE Business School; and several EGADE alumni.

The book can be found here.
