Ph.D. student among Doctoral Research Pitch winners at CIDTec50

Ph.D. student among Doctoral Research Pitch winners at CIDTec50

12 June, 2024
1280px × 970px – Página EGADE (11)

By José Ángel de la Paz

David Pérez Castillo, student of the Ph.D. in Business Administration at EGADE Business School, was among the winners of the Doctoral Research Pitch.

This competition, held during Tecnológico de Monterrey's 50th Research and Development Congress, called for students from different Ph.D. programs at Tec to give a 7-minute pitch about their dissertation projects.

The jury, comprised of researchers from all of Tec's National Campuses, evaluated the pitches of 12 Ph.D. students, taking into account the relevance, impact and outcomes of each research, as well as the pitch itself.

Pérez Castillo was awarded third place for his research “Can sustainable consumer habits increase the purchase intention of remanufactured products?”

“The goal of this research is to change the existing paradigms in terms of how public policies and business strategies are established regarding environmentally friendly products,” he said in his pitch.

Pérez Castillo's dissertation has Professor Jorge Luis Graciano Vera Martínez as its advisor.

The Doctoral Research Pitch jury awarded first place to Luis Guillermo Hernández Rojas for his research on “Self-paced movement intention recognition from EEG signals during upper limb robot-assisted rehabilitation”.

Second place was awarded to Fernando Gabriel Viacava Romo, for his research on “High-pressure processing (HPP) as an elicitor of bioactive compounds in carrot tissue”.

Lastly, the “People's Choice” award was presented to Jesús Santana Gálvez, for his research titled “A methodology for producing highly effective foods against chronic degenerative diseases”.

Hernández Rojas, Viacava Romo and Santana Gálvez are Ph.D. students of the School of Engineering and Science at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

All of the winners received their awards and were promised to have their research published across Tec's nationwide media.

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