Q&As on EGADE's measures in response to COVID-19

Q&As on EGADE's measures in response to COVID-19

12 June, 2024
1280px × 970px – Página EGADE (10)

EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey has launched a Q&A EGADE COVID-19 website to provide its community with a space where they can find FAQs related to the contingency measures adopted by the school.

The site's information is grouped into the following sections:

  1. Tecnológico de Monterrey's measures in response to COVID-19 and ongoing education at EGADE Business School
  2. Tools and technology
  3. EGADE Business School's academic activities
  4. EGADE Business School's international programs
  5. Information related to wellness
  6. Admissions to EGADE Business School
  7. EGADE Business School's administration and academic paperwork
  8. Executive Education programs
  10. Upcoming graduates of EGADE Business School

The information on the site will be updated permanently as the contingency progresses.

Click here to access the site.
