Arturo Molina

Arturo Molina

Professor and Director of the Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing at Tecnológico de Monterrey

Arturo Molina received his PhD degree in Manufacturing Engineering at Loughborough University of Technology (England), a University Doctor degree in Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Budapest (Hungary), his M.Sc. degree and BSc. in Computer Science from Tecnologico de Monterrey. He is member of the National Researchers System of Mexico (SNI-Nivel III), Mexican Academy of Sciences, Mexican Engineering Academy, Mexican Academy of Computer Sciences, and member of IFIP WG5.12 Working Group on Enterprise Integration Architectures and IFIP WG 5.3 Cooperation of Virtual Enterprises and Virtual Organizations. He is the author of 14 books and over 120 scientific papers in journals, conferences, chapter books, and holds 3 patents, and 7 patent solicitations. He has created 3 technology based companies IECOS (, Albiomar ( and SMES (Solution for Manufacturing Enterprise Systems)

Arturo Molina


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