EGADE Innovation Community Initiative Launches with the Participation of Business Executives

EGADE Innovation Community Initiative Launches with the Participation of Business Executives

12 June, 2024
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This community offers an excellent opportunity to share experiences and generate collaborations to drive innovation management in Mexican companies.


With an introductory and networking opening session, EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey launched the initiative EGADE Innovation Community, which brings together vice presidents and directors related to innovation management in Mexico’s leading enterprises.

Led by Fernando Moya and Cristian Granados, director of and professor from the Department of Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation at EGADE Business School, respectively, this initiative seeks to generate ties between academia and the business sector while promoting the exchange of best practices and discussion on the challenges and trends in the field of innovation.

The community’s first meeting was held on June 1 at EGADE Business School, Santa Fe site, with the participation of guest speaker Alma Álvarez, global director of Innovation for Grupo Bimbo, who shared the path in the design and adoption of the new innovation model implemented in his organization and the main challenges they face in this area.

The founding members who attended the event were innovation directors from leading companies across diverse industries, such as Bimbo, Coppel, Nestlé, Sanofi, Visa, Siemens, Opinno, Qurio, Roche, Open Vector, Jumex, BBVA, Federación Mexicana de Futbol, MassChallenge, and McKinsey, among others.

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“This is a community of vice presidents and directors of Innovation or related areas, such as Transformation, New Businesses, and Research and Development. Its objective is to discuss the challenges and best practices regarding innovation management in companies; for all the members and guest experts to learn from each other; and to generate collaboration synergies, such as research or projects, among the member companies,” Granados explained.

EGADE Innovation Community meetings will be held once a month and itinerantly in the members’ companies.

Any directors who are interested in joining the EGADE Innovation Community can contact Professor Granados by email:
