EGADE Presents Impact Projects and Research at the Tec CID

EGADE Presents Impact Projects and Research at the Tec CID

12 June, 2024

EGADE Business School faculty and students participate in the 52nd edition of the congress, held this year in a hybrid format.


The first place of the Doctoral Research Pitch, a panel on transdisciplinary research, and the presentation of impact projects formed the framework for EGADE Business School’s participation in the 52nd Research and Development Congress (CID) of Tecnológico de Monterrey.

In this hybrid edition, held from March 2 to 4, the CID brought together Tec faculty and students who presented the institution’s research projects.


EGADE Business School’s Ph.D. in Administrative Sciences (DCA) student, Claudia Lizzette Gómez Borquez, won first place in the Doctoral Research Pitch, in which students from the different Tec schools presented their doctoral research theses.

In a competition format and before a jury comprised of the institution’s lecturers, participants communicated the significance of their projects in three-minute pitches.

Gómez Borquez presented her work “Empowering Women Through Femvertising: Consumers’ Perceptions, Attitudes and Purchase Intention,” which analyzes the representation of women and their stereotypes in advertising, and provides evidence to incorporate feminist ideals and women’s empowerment in the same.  

With her first place, Gómez Borquez won the opportunity to represent Tec at the Universitas 21 Three Minute Thesis Competition.

Another DCA student, Regina Gabriela Díaz Crespo, also participated in the Doctoral Research Pitch, presenting her project Transformación digital: desde los grandes proveedores a las tienditas de la esquina” (Digital Transformation: From Major Suppliers to Corner Shops).


Federico Trigos, Business Analytics professor at EGADE Business School, moderated the panel “Transdisciplinary Research.”

The panelists were Linda Newnes, President of the International Society of Transdisciplinary Engineering (ISTE) and Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath, UK, and Bryan Moser, Academic Director of the System Design & Management (SDM) program at MIT, USA.

Trigos is a member of ISTE, the leading group in the emerging field of transdisciplinary engineering, with a research focus that integrates diverse scientific disciplines, requiring mixed methodologies for work execution.


During a session at the Tec School of Business, faculty and students presented diverse impact and collaborative projects from EGADE Business School, the Centers for Excellence, and the Business area Strategic Focus Research Groups (GIEE).

One of the projects was the model “Sustainable Wealth Creation Based on Innovation and Technology (SWIT),” presented by professors Carlos Scheel and Eduardo Aguiñaga.

Other participants from EGADE Business School were professors Eva Guerra, Teofilo Ozuna, Iván Valdovinos, Bryan Husted and Rolando Fuentes, and DCA student Mario Aldana.

The session was coordinated by Osmar Zavaleta, Interim Dean of EGADE Business School and Associate Dean of Research at the Tec School of Business, and Ernesto Amorós, National Director of Doctoral Programs, EGADE Business School.

This year’s CID general program included outstanding keynote conferences by Michael W. Young, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2017, and Guillermo Torre, Vice-President of Research at Tec, as well as the prize-giving ceremony of the 2021 Rómulo Garza Research and Innovation Award.
