Finalist in Two categories! EGADE in the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards 2022

Finalist in Two categories! EGADE in the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards 2022

12 June, 2024

The portfolio of Alternative Learning programs and the SWIT project have been nominated in the categories Best Lifelong Learning Initiative and BGA Business School Impact.


Two initiatives of EGADE Business School - Tecnológico de Monterrey are finalists in the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards 2022.

The nominees are the innovative learning platform of Alternative Learning and the SWIT research project, in the categories Best Lifelong Learning Initiative and BGA Business School Impact, respectively.

With a total of 10 categories, these annual awards, given jointly by The Association of MBAs (AMBA) and Business Graduates Association (BGA), celebrate excellence among AMBA-accredited and/or BGA-member business schools, their students and alumni.

The winners will be revealed in an award ceremony to be held in London on January 21st next year, in both in-person and virtual formats.

Best Lifelong Learning Initiative

In this category, the nominee was Alternative Learning, EGADE Business School’s innovative learning platform that offers online educational tools under diverse pedagogical dynamics, such as massive open online courses (MOOCs), competency-based learning, and microlearning.

The Alternative Learning programs address a variety of topical issues related to business and their format allows participants to accelerate their professional growth in a personalized, agile, efficient manner.

The options include MicroMasters and Professional Certificates in collaboration with edX, Online BootCamps, emerging technology courses, and short video clips created by EGADE Business School professors.

The Best Lifelong Learning Initiative category recognizes the efforts of business schools that are reinventing teaching and learning among students, alumni, and in the field of Executive Education.

BGA Business School Impact

SWIT (Sustainable Wealth Creation based on Innovation and Technology) was distinguished as a finalist in this category that recognizes the positive impact business schools’ initiatives have had on their communities. 

The project’s mission is to develop conceptual frameworks, methodologies, tools, and educational programs, based on disruptive innovation, sustainability, the circular economy, and a systemic approach, to drive the transition towards a sustainable economy in emerging economies where social conditions are unfavorable for the application of conventional models.

The SWIT project team is led by Carlos Scheel, Emeritus Professor at EGADE Business School, and its members include research professors and doctoral students.  

Consult the full list of finalists from the 10 categories of the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards 2022 here.

