Financial risk due to COVID-19 crisis examined

Financial risk due to COVID-19 crisis examined

12 June, 2024
Crisis financiera COVID-19

By José Ángel de la Paz

"The crisis of COVID-19 will leave us a deep wound in the economy and stock market, but not a wound difficult to heal," said Jorge Arturo Martínez, CFA.

The director of the EGADE Financial Think Tank presented the webinar "The difference one day makes: crisis risk management under highly emotional elements."

Martínez estimated that as soon as the first signs of relief and improvement arrive, the markets first, followed by the economic revival, will bring a response that is truly as prodigious as the decline has been.

"That is the difference that a single day can make in the human mind," he said.

This forecast, he said, is based on the fact that the governments of all countries will provide sufficient and ambitious fiscal and monetary stimulus, and that a virus has never been the driver of a traditional recession, but rather of a temporary shock.

For these reasons, he noted, the buying and investing intentions of households, banks and businesses can be expected to remain intact and rather only postponed.

Martínez's webinar was the fourth in the series "Rising to the Challenge: Leadership in the Context of COVID-19”.


Upcoming webinars in the series:

Monday, April 13: Business health and banking in front of COVID-19, with:

  • José Antonio Quesada, professor at EGADE Business School and vice-president of Regulatory Policy of Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores.
  • José Alarcón Irigoyen, PwC Mexico Dean Partner & Strategic Advisor for PwC Health & PLS.
  • Juan Carlos Erdozain, executive director of EA Business Consulting.

Wednesday, April 15: Strategies to maintain the health of talent in organizations, with:

  • Hernán García, vice-president of Talent and Culture at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
  • Guillermo Torre, rector of Tec Salud.
  • Ignacio de la Vega, dean of EGADE Business School and the Undergraduate Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Friday, April 17: COVID-19 dilemma as a threat to the organization's health, with:

  • Gabriela García, SVP of Human Resources at PepsiCo México.
  • Juan Pablo Ventosa, CEO of Human Performance.
  • Mauricio Reynoso, CEO of AMEDIRH.
  • Alejandro Olivera (moderator), associate dean of Continuing Education at the Undergraduate Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

All webinars will be held at 1:00 p.m. (Mexico City time). More information and registration in the Events section of the EGADE Business School website.
