Flourish Prize Finalists! EGADE Students Promote Stories of Innovation With a Positive Impact

Flourish Prize Finalists! EGADE Students Promote Stories of Innovation With a Positive Impact

12 June, 2024
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The students interviewed entrepreneurs whose innovation stories contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Three stories about innovations with a positive impact, featuring companies in Denmark, Canada and Mexico, were written by students from EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey and have been nominated as 2022 Flourish Prize finalists.

This year, the juries of this international competition selected a total of 84 finalist stories from among the 685 published on the AIM2Flourish website in 2021.

These stories, written by students from 31 universities and business schools in 20 countries, present interviews with businesspeople and entrepreneurs from across the world whose business innovations contribute to the achievement of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The companies represented in the stories come from 28 countries and 18 industries.

The three finalist stories authored by the EGADE Business School students are:

  • Sustainable Products and Solutions of Water featuring Grundfos in Denmark, written by students Miguel Trejo, Ezra Zamora, Reynaldo Mendoza and Carlos Alberto de la Mora Davila, under the direction of professors Consuelo García de la Torre (†) and Gloria Camacho.
  • Clean, Scalable, Reliable Geothermal Power featuring Eavor in Canada, written by students Michael Salmon, Chandrashekhar Jha, Jose de Paula, Diego Llorens Echegaray and Jose Luis Álvarez Del Castillo Gomez, under the direction of professor Francisco Layrisse.
  • SmartFish Sustainable Fishing featuring SmartFish in Mexico, written by students Katty Dominguez, José Eduardo Arreola Prado, Johana de la Rosa and Jorge Ignacio Cruz, under the direction of professor Martin H. Bremer.

The winners of the 17 Flourish Prizes for 2022 will be announced in June this year.

The Flourish Prizes are organized annually by the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit, at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University.
