Global Reach: EGADE Renews its GNAM Membership

Global Reach: EGADE Renews its GNAM Membership

12 June, 2024

EGADE Business School is a founding member of the global network comprised of 32 highly prestigious business schools on five continents.


EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey renewed its membership for the next three years in the Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM), the most influential global network of business schools in the world.

By the unanimous vote of the 32 member schools, the renewal was officialized within the framework of the 19th GNAM Deans and Directors Meeting, held on June 3rd this year.

GNAM is made up of highly prestigious business schools on the five continents, such as Yale School of Management, London School of Economics, ESMT Berlin, HEC Paris, Haas School of Business, and Saïd Business School, among others.

The global network’s mission is to drive innovation and create value by connecting leading global business schools, and their faculty, students, and alumni.

In GNAM, each member benefits from the perspective and intellectual contributions of all the others, in order to transform global business education and break paradigms in favor of cross-disciplinary innovation with a global impact.

GNAM’s most representative program is Global Network Week, an initiative held several times a year that enables students from the participating MBA programs to experience an intensive week with another global network member school and discover different cultures and business perspectives.

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This year, EGADE has delivered three courses in the March and June editions of the Global Network Week, and will offer another two in the October edition.

Another of the GNAM programs consists of the Global Network Courses, which are courses with official credit delivered virtually by a member school and are open to students from across the network.

EGADE Business School has been a member of GNAM since its foundation in 2012. At present, the global network is getting ready to celebrate its tenth anniversary next year.
