Invitation to Online Edition of the +Talento Diploma Course for Labor Inclusion

Invitation to Online Edition of the +Talento Diploma Course for Labor Inclusion

12 June, 2024
2021_03_09 Diplomado Talento

This 20-week program starts on April 13th, with the objective of providing the tools, knowledge and guidance necessary to design successful labor inclusion projects for persons with disabilities.


Persons with disabilities can face multiple barriers to joining the workforce that prevent their full inclusion in the work environment, on equal terms with others.

Therefore, to assure genuine organizational inclusion, it is important to have a comprehensive, cross-cutting project, taking into consideration diverse design and implementation aspects.

With this objective, EGADE Business School’s Center of Conscious Business for a Sustainable Future, together with Movimiento Congruencia and Éntrale, an alliance for the labor inclusion of persons with disabilities, is extending an invitation to the latest edition of the +Talento Diploma Course, which will be offered in an online format for the first time ever.

The 20-week program, which starts on April 13th, provides the tools, knowledge and guidance necessary to design successful labor inclusion projects for persons with disabilities that participants will be able to implement in their organizations.

During the program, they will learn about the concepts of disability; regulations, appropriate terminology and accessibility parameters; recruitment of persons with disabilities and inclusive culture; inclusive internal and external communication; and techniques related to awareness and working team training, among other topics.

The +Talent Diploma Course has been taught in person in Monterrey since 2014, and in Mexico City as of 2016. To date, it has prepared more than 140 executives from 50 companies in Mexico as specialists in the design of labor inclusion projects for persons with disabilities.

Download the brochure for the online edition of the +Talent Diploma Course here, and request further information here.


Directors from EGADE Business School, Movimiento Congruencia and Éntrale, an alliance for the labor inclusion of persons with disabilities, gave their opinions on the competitive advantage offered by the +Talento Diploma Course, as well as the awareness, insight and knowledge required to manage talent diversity:

“We know that a diverse working team can enrich organizations and contribute positively to the achievement of their objectives. However, accomplishing the inclusion and integration of persons with disabilities involves a certain degree of complexity. This is why we need to develop competencies and apply them in the design of projects that, when implemented in the organization, will bring us closer to a culture of labor inclusion. The +Talento Diploma Course does all of this,” explained Christiane Molina, Director of the Center of Conscious Business for a Sustainable Future.

“Preparing and empowering our collaborators with the +Talent Diploma Course has allowed us to identify and cover areas of opportunity related to inclusion in our company. We have been able to reinforce our commitment to equal opportunities for persons with disabilities, recognizing that talent does not have a disability. I also had the opportunity to attend the presentation of the impeccable final projects of four companies that completed the +Talent Diploma Course, which showed me the two main benefits of taking it: the first is directly reflected in the training of specialists on the subject, and the second in the design of comprehensive, cross-cutting projects on labor inclusion for persons with disabilities,” commented Fernando Méndez Elizondo, Vice-President of Human Resources at CEMEX México and Movimiento Congruencia board member.

“The +Talento Diploma Course is, without doubt, the ideal tool for initiating your program on labor inclusion for persons with disabilities. Over the past few years, we have seen how participating companies have advanced exponentially in their inclusion initiatives, achieving excellent results in a very short time,” said Fernando Estrada Franco, Executive Director of Éntrale, an alliance for the labor inclusion of persons with disabilities, and President of the Ibero-American Network of Inclusive Companies.


Employment and disability issues in Mexico

  • The labor force participation rate for persons with disabilities is 29.9%, which is low compared to 53.7% for persons without a disability. 69.6% of persons with disabilities aged 12 years or more are not economically active. (INEGI: Population and Housing Census, 2010).
  • Just 25% of persons with disabilities who work have a written employment contract and social benefits 25%. (CONAPRED, 2020).
  • Regarding the main problems declared by persons with disabilities, 30% refer to the lack of access to employment opportunities. (ENADIS: National Survey on Discrimination, 2017).