Learn to build and manage diverse, inclusive teams

Learn to build and manage diverse, inclusive teams

12 June, 2024
Diversidad e inclusión

By José Ángel de la Paz

"Diversity, these days, it's a very popular word. Everyone says that it's very important for organizations to be diverse," says Mike Szymanski, Research Professor of International Business at EGADE Business School.

"And it's true," he assert. "Because bringing diversity into the workforce will improve your team performance. It offers you new insights, new experiences, to find new solutions to old problems."

High-performance teams that maintain a diverse and inclusive working culture are proven to exceed their financial targets, outperforming less inclusive teams by as much as 50 percent, according to a Gartner publication.

Szymanski affirms that the "key is to manage diversity effectively". And inclusion is the key to leveraging diversity.

"Diversity it's a fact in today's world. And if you want to make people feel comfortable working with you, you need to learn how to be inclusive," he assures.

To help Leaders, Managers and HR professionals interested in achieving true diversity and inclusion in their business, EGADE Business School delivers, in partnership with digital education provider GetSmarter, a brand of 2U, Inc., the new Inclusive Leadership online short course, an eight-week program taught in English.

"This course teaches leaders to effectively manage diverse and inclusive teams and discover how diversity can be leveraged as a competitive advantage in driving organizational performance," says Jaime García Narro, Associate Dean of Executive Education at EGADE Business School.


EGADE Business School faculty and industry experts, who share their experience and in-depth diversity and inclusion knowledge with participants throughout the program, guide the Inclusive Leadership online short course.

Course participants will walk away with:

  • An awareness of how culture influences organizational performance, insight into effective leadership traits and styles across cultures, and the ability to adapt your leadership approach accordingly.
  • An understanding of the difference between diversity and inclusion, its impact in the workplace, and an action plan to foster inclusivity in a team.
  • Frameworks to promote inclusivity, and knowledge of how it can be used as a competitive advantage.

"Students can also look forward to additional content, interactive and enrichment activities, small group discussions and a portfolio of evidence-based on an ongoing project with real-world application in managing and building an inclusive team and culture," added García Narro, who along with Szymanski is academic director of the Inclusive Leadership online short course.

After completion, course participants will achieve an official certificate from EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey as validation of their experience.

For more information about registration dates, curriculum and more, clic here.
