The Challenges of Family Business in Latin America

Family businesses are of strategic importance to Latin American economies, since they generate around 70% of employment and GDP in the region. The main challenge of business families today is the generational change, as explained in this interview by María Fonseca, director of the Institute of Business Families for Mexico and Latin America of the Graduate Business School of the Tecno

The Dirsuption Dilemma

Disruption has winners and losers, some companies prove resilient and other companies don't survive. How are disruptor companies valued in comparison with disrupted companies? Interview with professor Aswath Damodaran, professor at NYU Stern School of Business -- also known as the ‘Dean of Valuation’.

Leading in Turbulent Times

In tough and unpredictable times, it's not easy to make decisions, yet leadership becomes more necessary than ever. How can leaders thrive in chaotic environments and drive their organizations toward opportunities? To Professor Henry Musoma, gratitude, humility and curiosity are key to lead in times of turbulence and chaotic situations as in today's healthcare, social and economic crises.

SDGs and Sustainability in the 2020s

How can business contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? Sustainability calls for businesspeople’s attention on three different dimensions: social, environmental and economic. Specifically, climate change and income inequality are two key issues companies need to address in this new decade.

AI Entrepreneurship Lessons

Why is data so important today? The 4th Industrial Revolution is driven by Artificial Intelligence technology, which is based on data architecture and infrastructure. Companies that leverage smartly and efficiently their data will be able to gain competitive advantage, says Nir Kaldero, Head of Data Science at Galvanize.

The Global Energy Transition

What are the key driving forces behind the energy transition? Christoph W. Frei, Secretary General and CEO of the World Energy Council, looks into the dynamics of the energy transition - climate, innovation, digitalization, decentralization-, and their impact on business.